Fiber-optic sensors and fibers
Product family WLL180T
High-performance fiber-optic sensor with world’s fastest response time
- Selectable response time up to 16 µs
- Sensing range up to 20 m (through-beam system); up to 1,400 mm (proximity system)
- Bus-compatible with anti-interference
- 2 x 4-digit digital display
- Adjustable hysteresis
- Rotatable display screen
- High-resolution signal processing
- Programmable time delays
Product family LL3
A wide variety of solutions to your most challenging applications: SICK's fiber-optic cables
- Very large selection of plastic and glass fiber-optic cables.
- Fiber-optic cables resistant to chemicals and high temperature
- Threaded and smooth sleeves, bands of light (array), 90° reflection versions available
- Focused optics
- Proximity and through-beam versions available
- Plastic , protective metal or Teflon sheathing available