Ultrasonic sensors offer a reliable distance measurement, based on ultrasounds transmission and reflection, for an accurate positioning control, without influence from object colour or light reflection, also in presence of clear transparent objects, whereas ultrasonic fork sensors are used for clear label detection
Ultrasonic M18x1 ABS tubular sensors of the US18 series are available in models with axial or radial acoustic emission and with discrete bipolar output (1 NPN and 1 PNP) or with 4-20 mA or 0-10 V analogue output.
SRX-3 ultrasonic fork sensor is able to detect any type of clear label or to check single/double clear films.
Can be easily configured using the Teach-in function, while the operating status is visibly signalled by 3 LEDs.
All models are provided with a radial emitting head and offer the following versions: Digital bipolar PNP/NPN NO/NC configurable output; Analogue 0-10V / 4-20mA configurable output.